Trees IX St. Tropez
Trees Paris
Trees Blanc Paris
Trees VI, St. Tropez
Above Moma
Composition Football
Composition Rain Tree
Football II, Bangkok
Graffiti III
Grand Sallle Venezia
Les Chaises Bleues II
Les Chaises Bleues III
Les Chaises Jaunes II
Les Chaises Jaunes IV
Les Chaises Rouges
Metro Bangkok
Metro Blanc III
Metro Bleu
Metro Bleu III
Metro d'Or
Metro Orange II
Métro Saint-Michel
Metro Vert
Metro Vert II
Plage Parasols Blancs
Plage Parasols Bleues
Rain Tree, Thailand
Surf Blanc II
Trees II Tulleries
Trees III Luxembourg
Trees III, NY
Trees Italia
Trees IV, Australia
Trees IV, Luxembourg
Trees IV, St. Tropez
Trees, London
Trees, NYC
Venezia Ceiling X
Venezia Star
Venezia Stripe
X Parisienne
X Venezia
Laurie Victor Kay creates large-scale color photographs that capture public spaces and how we interact and inhabit our surroundings. Through repetition and digital manipulation Kay leads the viewer into her envisioned world. Her Tree series captures the parks of New York, London and Paris and turns them into an ordered utopia, while the Metro series allows Kay to explore symmetry and structure. These striking composed photographs succeed in re-introducing familiar and recognizable subjects to the viewer in fresh and new ways.